Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"Support" in more ways than one!

Today, someone who works with Ken let him know that they sent in our prayer card to Global Outreach and would be supporting us monthly. I received an email today from a friend who was sharing her thoughts on some of my previous posts. Her words were really encouraging and as usual, she has a gift for throwing in a little humor along the way! Monday night Ken did a side job after work. He came home with a check from the homeowner's made out to Global Outreach. While this was a one-time donation and not for monthly support, I have to say, that it was me when we worked out the final budget numbers who thought there was no way we would ever be able to raise the funds for our outgoing expenses. To date, we have raised more than half of the total amount needed. It is amazing to me how God continues to send us tidbits of encouragement and how He knows exactly what we need and when we need it! Tonight we were also able to finalize the date for our next small-group presentation. We'll be doing one in two weeks on Friday, August 3rd, in the home of one of our supporters for their family and friends. God is good!

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Praise God! You guys are going to be here before you know it. :-)