Monday, January 28, 2008

On winning the lost...

I've been sitting on my hands the last couple of weeks at church when I've really wanted to break out in applause as we continue to hear preaching on winning the lost, eternal C.P.R., method changing, but keeping the message the same. But here, I can let my fingers fly! One thing that bothers me about the Great Commission verse i.e. Matthew 28:18-20 is that people most times refer to this as THE reference point in the Bible for winning the lost, yet throughout the Old and New Testaments there are many verses which speak on this subject, too many to list here. Since I've heard some people refer to the Old Testament as just that, old, it is worth pointing out that in all four Gospels Jesus specifically commands us on this topic in the verses mentioned above from Matthew, but also, Mark 16:15, "And then he told them, You are to go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere". Luke 24:47, "and that this message of salvation should be taken from Jerusalem to all the nations: There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to me". John 20:21 "He spoke to them again and said, As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you". Jesus was repetitive. When I was doing a study of Evangelism Explosion I had someone once tell me that evangelism was "not their job. That was the Pastor's" and they cited Ephesians 4:11 "Some of us have been given special ability as apostles; to others he has given the gift of being able to preach well; some have special ability in winning people to Christ, helping them to trust him as their Savior; still others have a gift for caring for God's people as a shephard does this sheep, leading and teaching them in the ways of God". Easy enough to fall back on, but I haven't found a verse yet that says evangelism is solely the Pastor's job or the missionaries or the deacons, you get the point. God came "to seek and to save that which was lost". His sole purpose in coming to earth, dying on the cross, and rising again. I believe He is able to give us all that we lack, whether it is confidence, boldness if we step out in obedience, and in faith, and share with those around us as His spirit leads us just as strongly as I believe that I am saved. Evangelism's basis is not on a gift. It is a command.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The changes begin...

"Ding Dong the green truck's gone". Danielle was never to fond of it always telling her Dad it looked like a booger. But Ken would always say, "it could be worse, Danielle. I could be driving around with a big bug on the roof" and we would always start laughing! Seems weird not to see it in the driveway after seven years. It has been turned over to another colleague at Stock while we wait to be able to leave. And so, the changes begin.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"May we show your house"? - PANIC!

I was sitting at my computer yesterday morning, typing medical reports in my own little world when the phone rang. It was Centralized Showing Service requesting to show the house. My response...dead silence. I guess it hadn't really sunk in that someone might want to see the house so soon since it was just officially on the market Friday night! I kind of stuttered my way through the short conversation and accepting the appointment time. I was afterall, still in my P.J.'s! One of the luxuries of working at home that I hadn't even considered should probably get an overhaul. With some vacuuming and wipe down of the bathroom sinks, an obvious change of clothing on my part, we (myself and the kids since they are off from school) were out the door in an hour! And about that working from home clothing overhaul...there's always tomorrow since it's 11:08 a.m. and I am still working in my P.J's! Ugh!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Travel, work, reading

We had a sloth weekend! In other words, we just hung around the house, lying on the couch, sitting in recliners and relaxing. It felt so good! Ken is leaving for Costa Rica in a few days to help with a short-term team down at the camp for two weeks. They will be finishing up the camp kitchen renovation project that was started by another team who just left Costa Rica. When he returns we will be home for a week and then travel up North for training and then to say good-bye to family. The house is officially on the market now. We are both still working our full-time jobs and I have been reading three books. I can't remember my Social Security # or the dates of birth of my four children unless I say them in order, but I can master processing three books at one time...go figure! "Cross-Cultural Conflict" by Duane Elmer is an intense book; one that you read a few chapters and have to put it down and process it for a couple of hours. It's about building relationships for effective ministry. It was recommended by another missionary friend in Teguc, Honduras working with CAM. When I cannot process much more of this book at one time and need a break, I've been reading "On Being a Missionary" by Thomas Hale. Thomas Hale is a missionary physician who has served in Nepal since 1970. This book uses the insights of over one hundred missionary writers in dealing with the problems, struggles and failures that missionaries often face. It's an eye opening book with serious implications and hiliarous ones too! And the last book is "Let the Nations Be Glad, The Supremacy of God in Missions" by John Piper. It's a deep book! Another one you can only absorb so much of at one time and then you just have to put it down! Here's a quote from the book that has really caused a headache for me this week (really stopped me in my tracks and made me think), "Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't". (Passing the bottle of Tylenol).

Thursday, January 17, 2008

For Sale!

We've put down the paintbrushes, put away the toolbox and picked up the phone and called the realtor! This weekend we will be taking a much needed rest!

Monday, January 14, 2008


Sometimes it's hard to the find the words to say. Blessed would be a good one, but I never want to use that word flippantly on this blog. When I say it, I mean it in a BIG way. is then, but it was even so much more than that! Filled, encouraged, thankful are just a few. Thank you for ministering to us this weekend at Hickory Grove Greg, Kelly and Gordon. You all blessed us in ways words cannot even express!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

And....a new kitchen floor!

We put down a brand spanking new kitchen floor yesterday afternoon and evening. I missed another Kodak moment (ugh!) of everyone sitting on the old kitchen floor eating dinner since our kitchen table was outside on the patio. Come to think of it, the stove was out there too...hahahahaha! We had the refrigerator in the livingroom, of all places, on plywood! Well, today we will put back the molding around the base of the cabinets. Yesterday, we also secured a real estate lawyer that we will use since our other lawyer has left his practice since we bought this house. I see light at the end of tunnel!!!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I have really dreaded having to paint the kitchen, but thankfully tonight I am almost done. It has been a long day of tedious taping around kitchen cabinets and countertops to start the painting. There does not seem to be a full wall anywhere in this kitchen, so it seems to be taking so much longer than any other room with the added excessive taping in the broken up lay-out of windows, cabinets, etc. The other day I found out that my brother, Dick, who is a missionary Pastor is coming home from Scotland for a short visit. This is great news since we were talking on the phone wondering how and if our furloughs would ever coincide with each other's. He will be at home in Syracuse, NY just a few days before we need to travel there in February and then on to Global's offices in Buffalo and St. Catherine's for some last minute meetings. I think it has been two years now since I have seen him and so I am really thankful and excited, but that is so understated, that God has uniquely orchestrated his return and our travel to collide and I will get to see him and his wife, Sue. This family visit will be difficult as it will be our last before departing for Costa Rica. So, it is to visit, but also to say good-bye to my parents, two sisters, three brothers, Ken's sister and his brother too. We have someone interested in looking at our house when we have it ready and before we sign a contract with a realtor to list it. If you could add that to your prayer list for us that would be wonderful! Thank you so much!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Scary scaffolding

I shoulda' took a picture! We got the stairway leading up to the second floor of our home painted last night without injury. Ken did that is, and Heather and I stood guard over the "make-shift scaffolding". (There is no way we were gettin' up there)! The only way to do it was to stand up the ladder and run boards from the stair steps to the ladder step. Then Ken placed a piece of plywood over those and he painted fast, really, really fast first cutting in the trim and then with the roller; Heather holding and watching the ladder to make sure it was not moving and me at the top of the stairwell...praying and helping him reload the brush and roller! I believe there will probably be more "make-shift" contraptions to make ahead in Costa Rica as we begin to work there. The downstairs hallway is done and the upstairs hallway. Today, we shampooed all of the carpeting in the house and began to put furniture back in it's place. Ken also replaced a door yesterday and cut his fingers up a bit. The pantry in the kitchen got a new coat of paint. We really NEED to finish our house by this weekend so that we can list it! It will require us to continue in a pattern of working our jobs and working at night until late trying to get things done. Please continue to pray for us as this is really getting exhausting, but things are truly shaping up around here. Okay, off to have a simple dogs!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Busy in preparations

I've decided that the one thing I have always really enjoyed doing, I may now actually hate! We've been painting the last two days. Perhaps it is because I am doing it under "pressure". Yesterday, we began and finished the boy's bedroom. On Wednesday we began and finished the livingroom. This afternoon and evening I hope to finish the hallway and bathroom upstairs, tape up the hallway and kitchen downstairs and hopefully (fingers crossed until they are white) be done with all the painting tomorrow! I love the color, "Moroccan Moonlight", neutral, but very warm and inviting. Our house was still in the standard "builder's white" color. I wish we had done this for ourselves a couple of years ago. (scream!). Ah well, :) We're alive here. Just busy!