Thursday, September 20, 2007

"God of Wonders"

Ever find yourself in a state of wonder over God? I find myself like that a lot. The other night it was the stars suspended in the sky. They are there every clear night, bright and just hanging in space. How does He keep them there? What about service? That He even asks me to do anything, now that's just crazy! The fact that He would even entrust us by His prompting to do something for Him, are you kidding me? He doesn't need us! Yet, He allows us to join Him in carrying out His purposes! That blows my mind! I'm thankful that I can't even attempt to figure Him out. If I could, I wouldn't need to depend on Him! I so desperately NEEED GOD. Daily, lately hourly! I'm thankful He's always available, never busy on a cell phone, in a meeting and I'm never put on hold. I fall so short of His glory. Yet, He continues to "hang in there" with me. He's so patient. He absolutely amazes me!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A weekend at home/monthly support report

This will be the first weekend in four weeks that we have all been home together! We attended the family wedding in Atlanta, then we went to Camp Dixie the next weekend, Ken was in Florida for "Big Splash" last weekend. We have been busy!

I love these verses in Habakkuk 2 where Habakkuk wanted answers. "How long, O Lord?" he asks. God took His time. Then He tells Habakkuk, "The vision is yet for an appointed time,". "Wait for it; because it will surely come".

God continues to move us forward and we have now received 46% of our committed monthly support. We have received a deadline to be in Costa Rica by January '08. At least we will have an answer.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Please keep our missionary friends, the Sims family and all those serving along with them in Teguc, Honduras under WGO with the ranch in your prayers. Also, please remember the MamaTara Miskito Orphanage in Puerto Lempira, Honduras, directly on the east coast which can only be reached by boat or airplane. This is a very remote part of the country, cut off from the rest of Honduras by rain forest. The children there have a special place in our hearts and we are also praying for them too and all of those associated with that ministry. May the Lord hold you close!