Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ministry Training-Presentations

Finally...cooler temperatures and less humidty. A northern transplant can only take so many 90+ degree days, you know! I was awakened this morning by the sounds of construction at 6 a.m. I guess that's the price you pay for growth as a new subdivision (200 homes) is going in behind our tiny neighborhood . I am working on some numbers for one of our supporters. She is actually the head of our sending team and she is finishing up a presentation that she will be doing to bring our church up-to-date on our ministry. Tomorrow morning we will attend the presentation of the Sims Family (Alan & Dana) from Honduras as they report back to one of their supporting churches in our area. This will be a training session for Ken & I. While we have done our own presentations, we have not had the opportunity to hear too many other missionaries presentations in the past couple of years and in particular, a presentation where you do a "report back". I am sure there will be something we can glean from their experience. It is always encouraging to hear what God is doing in other countries and through other people. After the service we've been invited to a barbeque to get a chance to visit with Alan & Dana and their six children. We're looking forward to that as well!

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