Thursday, September 03, 2009

R&R...just a little

I cannot remember the last time we did not have a rental group at the camp on the weekend! While we enjoy having groups, this weekend and next no one has booked the camp and we will enjoy having some time off, free weekends! Tomorrow night, some missionary friends (Americans) who used to live in San Jose, but have now moved closer to us, have invited us over for dinner with their family. They have three kids, two girls and a boy. On Saturday night of course is the BIG game, soccer, Costa Rica vs. Mexico and the Youth Group will be over at the camp watching that and of course, we might have to "crash" that party! While we miss the interns and the ministry that we have been able to do because we have had more help here; this week I have been able to get "caught up" on some much needed housework. When we have teams, or when we are in "ministry mode" with interns, or on our own, things often times fall to the wayside which after a while drives me nuts! While not all the jobs this week around the house have necessarily been fun, like scrubbing our bedroom walls this morning...okay, I realize some of you are asking why I am doing that! It is rainy season here now and we have no insulation in our home. Literally, our inside wall of our house is also our outside wall. With it raining every day, moisture is beginning to build up on the walls of some of the rooms of the house inside and growing mildew. Having a lull in ministry has allowed me to begin the scrub down! While it isn't the most "exciting" job, it is nice to have the time to be able to get it done and you certainly feel as though you have accomplished something just in the sense that the rooms smell cleaner! So, this week, that is what I have been doing, cleaning, moving beds around, organizing and putting things "back to normal" in our humble abode. I am thankful today for the time to get it done and time to sneak in a little nap besides.

1 comment:

Pete In Syracuse said...

We all got together for prayer last night & was missing you but, we lifted you up in prayer too so it was like you were there. I'm glad to hear you've got some time off. Hard labor like cleaning is wonderful like you said. Have fun at the game are you going to wear Costa Rican colored wigs and come in and embrarrass all the youth rocking & bopp'in.....Nah just enjoy yourself unless a wig would do it?.......We love you guys...Pete