It's already been a busy last couple of days here at the camp since returning from the U.S. On Friday, we began the preparations for the Family Outreach in the Celebration Center. Here the tables are set up, though not covered, balloons are being blown up and string tied to the ceiling to suspend the balloons from.

Tonight, I snapped this picture of Ken and Heather serving of "second" helpings of rice and chili, coleslaw and brownies that we had for dinner. In the background during dinner another missionary, but a dear friend, Pastor Cameron Woolford is delivering a message on the role of parents in the family unit!

Soon after people began to trickle in, I happened to see this woman sitting at the table reading the Book of Luke in Spanish. We handed these out when people came in and it was exciting to see someone reading.

This is the whole group who attended tonight, 81 people...Praise the Lord! We started off the evening with "family-type" games, bobbing for apples, musical chairs, etc. We then served dinner and had live worship music, a guest speaker, who addressed the importance of spending time together as a family too, and then finished the evening with pinatas, of course. We had a lot of families thank us for opening up the camp for this outreach! Please continue to pray that "seeds" were planted this evening.
This sounds exciting & fun nice to see the two things mixed together.
Sounds like a good time....Pete
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