This is not my salad bowl, but it is the beginning of salad preparations for dinner. Here in Costa Rica we soak our vegetables in a water and bleach bath for roughly twenty minutes just to make sure all the cooties are off before consumption. It takes a little getting back into the "groove" of things now that we have just come back from the U.S. and enjoyed "bagged" salad for a few weeks. You don't really realize how long things take until you get to visit back home.

This picture is for my sister, Wendy. This is Kooky, and where we found her when we returned home....hanging out on our front door step! This amuses us because Kooky, as hard as we have tried to lure her away from her owners, remains loyal to them, though they pay little attention to her. Dogs here are not considered "pets" and Kooky has lost quite a bit of weight since I have been gone in the States. Yesterday, she sat under our seats in church and we have heard stories of here hanging out at our house, leaning against the front door and setting off our home alarm system. Kooky is a very smart dog and while some may not think she is "cute", my sister would argue with you, that she is "cute" in her own right. You just have to be around her to understand! I think it's all in her personality and how she strolls the streets like "she is it". Short-term teams after all have Kodak Share Picture files on the internet with her name as their password. Well, I guess she really did miss us while we were gone. Needless to say, Kooky had a hot dog fiesta last night which she rightfully thoroughly enjoyed!
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