Thursday, June 11, 2009

Busy...even on a free day

Today was busy! After breakfast this morning we took the team out souvenir shopping in a town called Moravia, to lunch at an a la lena which is personally my favorite roasted chicken and then we brought them back to the camp to prepare dinner for the homeless shelter which was an American spaghetti supper which the ladies and gentlemen there love which is so much fun! Tonight, the team is packing, those that are not at the homeless shelter serving dinner and preparing for the rest of the team to return. I am feeling a little more than exhausted and decided to some home from the camp and check email, Skype voicemails, etc. and just lay down for a bit. I'm finding that while I am doing much better with regard to fatigue from the surgery; I still have just a little recovering to do the doctor says and just being able to lay down for a short time and rest works wonders. Right now, I cannot locate the camera, otherwise, I would be posting some pictures! Last night, we had a great night of devotions and for the first I really shared some things on my heart with the team, though I have shared some thoughts here and there with individuals who have sought counsel from me. This team has had a real heart for evangelism. It has absolutely been amazing to see this group of young people share with the Costa Rican people and some have made first commitments to the Lord! Continue to pray for this team as they return home. It doesn't have to end here in Costa Rica and it shouldn't.

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