Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I am at home recovering from my surgery. I've had so many emails that I thought I would post something on here to keep everyone up to date. I got home last night. The physician said that the surgery went well. He was unable to palpate any other cancerous lesions on any of my other organs. He did take out all of the pelvic lymph nodes for biopsy and we will know those results in the beginning of January, about 15 days from now. I had a little damage to my trachea from the tube and developed an upper respiratory tract infection during the hospitalization. I am on an antibiotic for that, but the most painful part is when I have to cough from that. I do have my voice back now, having lost that and at one point, could actually have probably sung a raspy bass. I am not in too much pain and the medication that he gave me to control it is working well! A special thank you to everyone who prayed for me and us during this time and who are continuing to pray for me throughout my recovery! Thank you to my heavenly Father for seeing me through!

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