Saturday, December 13, 2008

"I was made to Praise You" the song

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away a new Christian artist by the name of Rich Hodge, came to our home church in Syracuse, NY. He was accompanied by his young daughter, Sierra, and they were traveling together from church to church. Unfortunately, at the time of the concert Rich had cancer. He has since passed away. Back then his testimony and this song, "I was made to Praise You" had a significant impact on my life as a Christian and how I viewed myself in relation to God. I bought his LP (that's how long ago it was folks). It is a worship song that I have continued to hum while cleaning, sing while rocking my kids when they were babies and just ponder from time to time. As a tribute to his testimony and his family, our daughter, Heather, was given the middle name, Sierra, after his daughter. The words to this song are on my Facebook and Elizabeth L. left me a note about it. I draw a tremendous amount of strength from this song still today and I thank the Lord for the imprint that it has had on my heart. As I shared with the short-term children's ministry team from Threshold Church out of Charlotte, N.C. last night; my biggest prayer request through this is that it wouldn't be about me, and that it wouldn't be about the cancer. My prayer, is that it would be about Him.

1 comment:

PH said...

I just stumbled upon your post and wanted to let you know that Rich Hodge is most definitely alive and in fact, they are missionaries in South Africa. He is on Facebook. I also have that lp and know that song very well. Rich cut that album when he was still a pastor at our church in CA. They also have a website Every Blade of Grass.