Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ministry Blessings!

We arrived home safely last night at 10 p.m. Thank you to all of those who prayed for us during our whirlwind trip to Syracuse! I felt that we were "prepared" for the three presentations that we did, but we never seem to be prepared for the blessing that we receive in return. It's like that A LOT in missions work! We were surrounded Friday night in our small-group presentation by people that had "brought us up" in our home church, Youth leaders, Worship leaders, friends and family. It was heart warming to see them teary-eyed as we shared about our "passion" to serve God in Costa Rica. There were 15 in attendance. On Saturday we spent the day with Ken's younger sister and her family. We received a "surprise" visit from Ken's niece and her beautiful children. She is Renee's daughter (Renee is Ken's sister who just passed away in March) and it meant so much to us that she would travel an hour and a half to come see us with her small children. She is a real trooper and a blessing to us! On Sunday morning we went to my sister's church. We did a small-group presentation to 20+ people there during the Sunday School hour while Danielle did a simultaneous presentation to about 8 Youth. We then did a very short, about 15 minute presentation in the Worship Service. We were blessed by the warmth with which we were received at Scipio Center Community Church. We immediately felt like we were part of "their family". I know for sure that they share a kindred spirit for missions in their church and for reaching the lost with the Good News of Jesus Christ. I hope we can visit this church again. We left there excited, feeling as though the Lord was at work amongst them! Kind of like a feeling that you want to "stick around" because you feel like you're going to miss something exciting happen! On the way home yesterday we got to see Ken's older brother meeting up with him for lunch. That was a lot of fun! Well, today it's back to work, laundry, school, but also more preparation. This Sunday evening we have another small group presentation to do at 7 p.m. While we are tired from traveling, we are still excited! Excited to be able to share what the Lord is already doing in Costa Rica and how others might be involved in the ministry there. Keep us in your prayers! God bless you all!

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