Monday, May 21, 2007

God has no time for pity parties!

For a moment this morning I thought about Renee and how she would always call all of her family members and sing a special birthday song that we "expected" to hear every year. At her funeral we found out that almost every one that she knew was getting the same phone call every year on their birthdays too! It was said "if Renee met you once and she found out your birth date, you were guaranteed a song". Some family members have this song recorded on their cell phones and someone even recorded it off their cell phone into a Build-A-Bear for Renee's granddaughter on her first birthday in April. It is that priceless! Well, today is my birthday (Sherri). I didn't expect to hear anyone call and sing Happy Birthday to me today. I was wrong! Three people have already called today with three different renditions of the birthday song. A style all their own! Two, are priceless recordings on my answering machine. My God cared about a simple song. He knew it would bless me in a BIG way!

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