Sorry for the recent lapse in posts. We've been busy since we got back from our trip up North getting right back into school, work, EOG's and the beginning of end of school year kind of stuff. I'd have to say we've also just been feeling kind of drained physically lately. I've tried to sit down a couple of times over the past week and "do a post", and to write our May newsletter, but I've felt like my brain is fried. We even stayed home from our church camp gathering this long holiday weekend to get some rest. Most of all, we've been frustrated with the feeling like our family has been "scattered" over this past month. We all decided to stay home and "regroup". Now, half of us have the stomach bug. Ken and Kyle started throwing up at 3 a.m. this morning. Jordan was sick Thursday night into Saturday. There were some highlights to the weekend though, the silver lining. Ken got the kids a 5-man tent and they all slept outside on Saturday night after a family bon fire complete with smores and a game of hide-n-seek in the dark. I tell ya, Heather is hard to find. I finally got scared after looking for her a half an hour and told her she needed to come out. Who da' thought to look for her hiding standing up in the center of a Leland cyprus tree? Sunday we went to church and Ken's parents came over for steaks on the grill. The rest of Sunday was spent playing Parchessi (I won), fishing and the kids slept outside Sunday night. That's kind of a wrap up of the holiday weekend.
Many of you have asked how we felt our presentations went over the last two weeks. Our prayer is that we have brought honor and glory to God! It isn't about us, but about Him, and what He has done in our lives. We are most grateful for every time that we get to share! It will be weeks before we know if any more support has come in from these presentations. We continue to operate in "prayer mode". And the amazing thing is that we always seem to come away feeling like we've received more than we've given. The encouragement the last couple of weeks has been needed and so appreciated! Again and again, we thank you for partnering with us in our endeavor to get to Costa Rica. May God continue to bless you in return for blessing us!
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