I believe rainy season has arrived! It's been hot and sunny during the morning hours with the almost "like clock-work" 2 p.m. cloud cover and then cool breezes and rain! I love this time of year because it is so nice to sleep during the rainy season at night! Of course, by Oct. and Nov. I will be sick of the rains! It is a rather long season! Also, the last couple of days we have been having thunder which we rarely hear that often. So, that has been a nice addition to the rain showers! The camp is loaded with bananas and even the gardener is wondering what we are going to do with them all once they fully ripen from green to yellow! Today, a tree of bananas fell over in the camp before the Hand of bananas (as it is called) was even harvested! I did some calling around today to a friend in Orosi who is a Christian. She usually knows of families who are in "need" and bananas go a long way nutritionally as well as making belly's feel full! Today, I made four loaves of banana bread out of bananas we had left over from my in-laws visiting last week. I still have more to make tomorrow as I have a hard time throwing them out! Our schooling year is almost over, ending May 28th and the kids and I are working away; them on school work and me on year-end reporting. Ken has had a bout of his rheumatoid arthritis. The two and a half month remission was a welcome change, but due to pain, he returned to the doctor to find out that he is in a flare state again. This time the doctor did some joint injections with anti-inflammatory medicines because his knee was swelling up. The doctor changed his medicines and one of them costs $150 U.S. for a one month supply. This was a bit of a shock since we don't have prescription coverage! Seems the new medicine is helping, though, as today Ken is out of bed and feeling much better. His flair is in both wrists, and there is a lot of fatigue associated with this disease. Last night, I ACE bandaged his one wrist which was most painful, and thankfully today, he said he felt that it helped alot.
May through July is going to be quite busy around here! I will post more on that later. Right now, the campground is booked into September!
Please continue to pray for our family and for this ministry that God has entrusted to us!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The last two weeks!
Here's a pictorial review of what we have been up to over the last two weeks!

Yesterday, we were asked to do some children's ministry teacher training in a church about an hour from the camp. Two churches in a small town invited us and we arrived at 8:30 a.m. The training began at 9 a.m. and lasted until 4 p.m. This is Kyle doing a demonstration of some gospel magic and explaining how to do a rope trick.

I did a session on Bible Storytelling and one on Bible verse memorization for kids and this is Heather demonstrating just one of the fun ways that we illustrated an important concept of "bridging" from different parts of a children's program i.e. from the main story right into the Bible memory verse.

Ken's parents just returned to the States on Thursday after being here for almost two weeks. In preparation for the children's ministry training, I have Carolyn, Ken's Mom, helping me trace felt squares which we then sewed into Wordless Books.

Yesterday, at the training, each teacher was given a wordless book of their own and after teaching it, we divided them into small groups for them to practice what they had learned.

Seems like a blur, but somewhere in between having family visit, getting ready for teacher training; I also did a few days of inventoring medicines for the upcoming clinic that we will be doing with a medical team coming for a week in May. After about three days of this, I decided I needed a break to spend some time with family, not to mention that I was nearly blind even with glasses on trying to squint to check expiration dates so that those meds that were expired could be disposed of.

Here's a picture of all the things that my in-laws brought to us from our home church, Hickory Grove, in Four Oaks, N.C. We had asked for donations for the "needy" church in which we did the teacher's training, however, so much was brought to us, that we were able to give some to our church here and we were also able to restock our children's ministry supply closet. Thank you SO MUCH Hickory Grove. We couldn't do this without you!

And with all the supplies came a need to tidy up the children's ministry closet so the supplies could be put away. With needing to inventory medicines, I enlisted the help of Ken's Mom, Carolyn, and Heather to organize the closet. Thanks Mom and Heather!

Yesterday, we were asked to do some children's ministry teacher training in a church about an hour from the camp. Two churches in a small town invited us and we arrived at 8:30 a.m. The training began at 9 a.m. and lasted until 4 p.m. This is Kyle doing a demonstration of some gospel magic and explaining how to do a rope trick.

I did a session on Bible Storytelling and one on Bible verse memorization for kids and this is Heather demonstrating just one of the fun ways that we illustrated an important concept of "bridging" from different parts of a children's program i.e. from the main story right into the Bible memory verse.

Ken's parents just returned to the States on Thursday after being here for almost two weeks. In preparation for the children's ministry training, I have Carolyn, Ken's Mom, helping me trace felt squares which we then sewed into Wordless Books.

Yesterday, at the training, each teacher was given a wordless book of their own and after teaching it, we divided them into small groups for them to practice what they had learned.

Seems like a blur, but somewhere in between having family visit, getting ready for teacher training; I also did a few days of inventoring medicines for the upcoming clinic that we will be doing with a medical team coming for a week in May. After about three days of this, I decided I needed a break to spend some time with family, not to mention that I was nearly blind even with glasses on trying to squint to check expiration dates so that those meds that were expired could be disposed of.

Here's a picture of all the things that my in-laws brought to us from our home church, Hickory Grove, in Four Oaks, N.C. We had asked for donations for the "needy" church in which we did the teacher's training, however, so much was brought to us, that we were able to give some to our church here and we were also able to restock our children's ministry supply closet. Thank you SO MUCH Hickory Grove. We couldn't do this without you!

And with all the supplies came a need to tidy up the children's ministry closet so the supplies could be put away. With needing to inventory medicines, I enlisted the help of Ken's Mom, Carolyn, and Heather to organize the closet. Thanks Mom and Heather!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thank You Hickory Grove Church/Grandma & Grandpa Dundon are here!
Grandma & Grandpa Dundon arrived safely on last Friday around noon.
We were more than overwhelmed with the ministry supplies that our home church (Hickory Grove Advent Christian Church, in Four Oaks, N.C.) sent down for a very needy church here. There was so much that we gave some of the items to our home church here, and they were so grateful to receive items that they cannot even buy here! We even still had enough to restock our children's ministry closet, that is after Grandma and Heather spent two days reorganizing it so there was enough space for items to be put away!
On last Sunday evening, we drove about an hour from here to go to the church that we knew needed the supplies for their evening service. I presented the Pastor with the supplies before the church service began. I imagine she wondered why I was hauling around a suitcase! To Hickory Grove she said toward the end of the service in front of her congregation, "Thank you so much to this church in the United States who cared so much about our church. We have been praying for a long time about our children's church program and the lack of supplies that we have. Tonight, through your church, our prayers were answered".
Now that's what it's all about! Thank you Hickory Grove. What you sent helped two churches and the campground ministry!
While Grandma & Grandpa have been here the kids have enjoyed showing them around the campground, introducing them to favorite fruits and foods to eat. The boys have been sleeping at the white house on the campground with them which reminds them of when we used to live in the States and they would get to spend the night at the Grandparents! I've already heard Kyle and Jordan comment to them that "time is going too fast" and "how they wish they could stay here with us". That's the kind of "low" side of being a missionary and having to watch your kids go through those growing pains of not having enough family around. We keep reminding them that in just about three months we will be home in N.C. again with so many people who are waiting to see them! By the way, while we are home in July, if you would like to have us come to your church, or you're an individual who would like to host a small group in your home to hear what we've been doing in Costa Rica and have your questions answered, we would love to hear from you at: sherri.dundon@yahoo.com. We would love to set up a date to do a missionary presentation in your church or home.
We've been enjoying the last couple of weekends off as Global Outreach recommended taht we close the camp from rental groups in the entire month of April. More details will come in another post about how you can be specifically praying for us! We have a lot of work coming in the next few months and are in need of your prayers!
We were more than overwhelmed with the ministry supplies that our home church (Hickory Grove Advent Christian Church, in Four Oaks, N.C.) sent down for a very needy church here. There was so much that we gave some of the items to our home church here, and they were so grateful to receive items that they cannot even buy here! We even still had enough to restock our children's ministry closet, that is after Grandma and Heather spent two days reorganizing it so there was enough space for items to be put away!
On last Sunday evening, we drove about an hour from here to go to the church that we knew needed the supplies for their evening service. I presented the Pastor with the supplies before the church service began. I imagine she wondered why I was hauling around a suitcase! To Hickory Grove she said toward the end of the service in front of her congregation, "Thank you so much to this church in the United States who cared so much about our church. We have been praying for a long time about our children's church program and the lack of supplies that we have. Tonight, through your church, our prayers were answered".
Now that's what it's all about! Thank you Hickory Grove. What you sent helped two churches and the campground ministry!
While Grandma & Grandpa have been here the kids have enjoyed showing them around the campground, introducing them to favorite fruits and foods to eat. The boys have been sleeping at the white house on the campground with them which reminds them of when we used to live in the States and they would get to spend the night at the Grandparents! I've already heard Kyle and Jordan comment to them that "time is going too fast" and "how they wish they could stay here with us". That's the kind of "low" side of being a missionary and having to watch your kids go through those growing pains of not having enough family around. We keep reminding them that in just about three months we will be home in N.C. again with so many people who are waiting to see them! By the way, while we are home in July, if you would like to have us come to your church, or you're an individual who would like to host a small group in your home to hear what we've been doing in Costa Rica and have your questions answered, we would love to hear from you at: sherri.dundon@yahoo.com. We would love to set up a date to do a missionary presentation in your church or home.
We've been enjoying the last couple of weekends off as Global Outreach recommended taht we close the camp from rental groups in the entire month of April. More details will come in another post about how you can be specifically praying for us! We have a lot of work coming in the next few months and are in need of your prayers!
Friday, April 02, 2010
Amazing Love

Sometimes we sing songs and that's all we do, just sing, the words. They hold no significant meaning to us probably because if you grew up in the church, well, you've been singing them it seems like forever. There's a worship song, that everytime I sing it, I start to cry. It's a song I've noticed of "opposites" and when I focus on the words I get emotional, every time. Being the mother of two boys, I cannot comprehend the sacrifice of even one of my sons for the human race. Which one would I choose? Today, as I reflect on the events in Christ's life, I am reminded of all that He went through for my sake. I find that I don't understand fully His love for me, for I know that if it was up to me to lay one of my sons down on a cross for you, it wouldn't happen. I wish that I could love like Him. For His love is perfect.
"I'm forgiven, because You were forsaken. I'm accepted, You were condemned. I'm alive and well, Your spirit is within me, because You died and rose again. Amazing love, how can it be? That you, my King, would die for me? Amazing love, I know it's true. It's my joy to honor You. In all I do, I honor You".
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Holy Week: Bread, bread and Buns!
I feel like we've all gained at least five pounds this week! It seems like every day, someone has stopped over with bread which is the custom here in Costa Rica in celebrating Holy Week! My neighbors have been busy all week baking all different types of breads for this weekend, beginning tomorrow, Good Friday, when family members and friends will stop over to visit and celebrate the resurrection! We've been given bread with coconut, dried fruits, and with figs. So good, but so fattening! Even though we've had a group here all week renting the camp; missionaries from all over Central and Latin America; the boys jumped in to help me crank out some "sticky buns" to give as gifts back to the neighbors!
Here's a picture of my handsome helpers! I make the dough from scratch and they know how to do the rest!

Our buns rising!

All done, gooey and warm! The neighbors were so excited to receive these, but more importanly, we (the boys and myself) had a great time together making them!
Here's a picture of my handsome helpers! I make the dough from scratch and they know how to do the rest!

Our buns rising!

All done, gooey and warm! The neighbors were so excited to receive these, but more importanly, we (the boys and myself) had a great time together making them!

Family Musings,
Serving in Costa Rica
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