After a day of work at the camp yesterday, part of the team cleaned up and drove up to the city to partner again with God Festival. They have recently opened a homeless shelter mainly serving drug and alcohol addicts, and the group worked from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. there last night. The second half of the group, mainly the men, are about to return from there this evening. Pictured here next to and behind Ken in the the right hand corner are some of the ladies, and a couple of the guys who went last night. The rest of the people in the picture are homeless men and women. They come to this shelter and receive clean clothing, a meal and the option of going to a rehabilitation center for help.

Not only did they fold and hand out clothing, but they also helped serve a meal. God continues to open amazing doors, the children's home and now this shelter for us to take teams or even our individual families to work beyond the confines of the campground, our small town, and boldly proclaim Him to the most needy.
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