Monday, March 31, 2008

Two ties uniquely bound

"Sever the ties, except the ties that bind me to your service and to your heart" and "Blest be the tie that binds, our hearts in Christian love...." How amazing that this poem that I spoke about yesterday with a challenge and this favorite hymn are uniquely bound directly to Him, to His love and what He has done for us. Our family is just an ordinary family. There really is not anything that makes us different or allows us to stand out from anyone else. God has allowed a way for us all to serve Him in the capacity that we are endeavoring to serve Him as missionaries. It often requires us in an act of obedience to step out of our comfort zones and totally depend on Him. I wish that we could say that we don't struggle with that, but we do because of who we are in the flesh. For me, I have to die to myself daily, sometimes hourly! They say that out of 75% of people who call themselves Christians, only 9% have a world view. I am thankful that Jesus gave it all at the cross. He didn't just give 9%. What's your world view and where is He beckoning you to share about Him? Across the hallway in your office or two cubicles down? On the 2nd and 3rd grade wing when your classroom is on the 5th grade wing? Only you know. But He knows too! I promise you, the God that saved you will be the God that equips you for the task that He has asked you in His Name to do!

"Blest be the tie that binds" our hearts to this church and to our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Packing, eating and letting go!

It's been a very busy week of dinner get togethers with church family, friends and celebrating Danielle's 18th birthday, packing, and unpacking, and uh, packing (too much weight in our bags!) Today, I cried though, out of sadness. A family friend thankfully took our dog, Cassie Layne, and it was hard. I know that she is in a good home and will be loved on like we had loved on her and even then some! She's an ole' black lab, 11 years old. She was My Girl and I will miss her! Funny how we humans get attached to our pets! Well, I have to say, I feel like I am just about ready for my Costa Rican diet. I've enjoyed way too much good food the last couple of weeks! I am looking forward to shedding some pounds.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Easter

May we never forget!

Some good-bye fun!!!

Last night we were invited to Elizabeth & Robert's house for dinner. Shortly after we got there Jessica & Jason arrived too. It was a lot of fun to get to know the "J" Family a little bit better. Altogether there were 10 kids, at least 5 of which were on the couch with Heather or in her lap. She had a great time! I have never eaten better hot dogs and cheeseburgers. We sold our grill in a garage sale in November, way before Thanksgiving. It was amazing to me how good something cooked on the grill tastes when you have not had one for four months. A simple pleasure taken for granted. I suspect that in the coming weeks and months there will be many other things that we realize we have taken for granted when we no longer have them available to us. So, to Elizabeth & Robert and to Jessica & Jason...thanks for the tears... from laughing so hard! We were blessed, but "ya'll ain't right"!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Tomorrow is the last day of school before spring break starts, but for Heather, Kyle and Jordan it is their last day of school in the U.S. I was talking with Heather last night and she expressed concern that she would get to say good-bye to all of her friends. I guess, for some, tomorrow is an early dismissal seeing as though it is prom night. So, today and tomorrow, she will be trying to make sure she gets to speak with all of her friends. Kyle and Jordan on the other hand, well, they just keep breaking into their brotherly rendition of, "Schools Out For the Summer" - not quite I remind them...just until we get settled in Costa Rica!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hanging in there!

Thank you to those who have thought about us today and called or sent an email! It really blessed our day as Ken and I worked on getting loose ends tied up just to know that you were thinking about us and praying for us!

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Struggle...saying good-bye

We got a phone call at the beginning of this week inviting us to a dinner party in our honor hosted by two of our neighbors and one of our supporters. The dinner is tonight. Last night we got a reminder phone call. Could it be that they have mental telepathy and knew our thoughts over the last couple of days? It would almost seem easier not to show up than to have to endure the pain of having to say good-bye. I shared that with our Pastor on Wednesday night as he discussed our final Sunday here; I wish there was a way out of attending that last service. It is gut wrenching! But then of course, God stepped in and the very next day as I was roaming around on Missionary-Blogs I came across this missionary prayer by David Livingstone on a blog (ugh...I forgot to write down whose blog I read it on): "Lord, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. Sever any ties, but the tie that binds me to your service and to your heart". Enough said!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Ali...

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...I met Ali. It was her first day in the Christian school I had been attending for two years. We ended up sitting next to each other in homeroom. She looked overwhelmed that first day. I said, "hi" to her. She mustered up a half-smile and said "hi" back. I thought she was really shy (little did I know). The rest is a long history of high school together, proms, guys, then marriage and kids. And does she have kids! 10!!! I just saw her a few weeks ago when we traveled up North. Ken & I had dinner with her and her husband, Steve. We laughed, all four of us, like old times when we used to live closer. Distance has not changed our friendship, though. We still fought over paying the bill! Somehow in our families moving around we have always found each other through family members. I called her this morning to sing Happy Birthday to her, but she wouldn't have it! Probably because she knows I would sing off-key! So Ali, since I know you read this blog faithfully every single day, "Happy Birthday" and a reminder, from Proverbs 18:24, "Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers". I love you and I thank God for our 28 years of friendship! Thank you for making my life rich! You are...the best!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

21 days and...

...and I dunno. Seems like we've waited so long to go and now the days are passing really, really fast! Things are getting checked off "the list", but it seems like new things mysteriously appear in the middle of the night because when I wake up the list still looks long! This week Danielle is on spring break from her college classes and the poor kid has no idea all that I have planned to get accomplished with her. She will be "drug" (said in my best Southern drawl) all over the county helping to get things set up for her independence. Three more weeks. It hardly seems possible...

Sunday, March 02, 2008

30 days and...prayer requests

Jordan has the flu. Ugh! People are curious as to how you prepare for leaving the country. Well, since we've been traveling, we are behind. Things that we will be doing this week include, but are not limited to, filing our taxes, composing an up-to-date newsletter for our supporters, looking for more luggage (we can take 2 bags per person) which amounts to 10 suitcases. I think we have 4. Heather has an eye exam this week and we will at least try to get her contact prescription filled for this whole next year, plus get a spare pair of glasses. Set up a bank account for Danielle since we are still financially responsible for her. Update addresses, name changes on our support list to send back in to Global and send out a letter through them. So yes, there is much to do. Please keep us in your prayers! We really don't need to get sick. Pray that we can get things checked off our list every day! Our house is still on the market, but we trust God in all of that. Just pray that we will remain in His perfect peace!!!