Last weekend we traveled to Atlanta to attend a family wedding. Congratulations Phil & Celena Halladay! We got home safely, but a little bit later than we planned on Sunday evening and on Monday we embarked on CHAOS in our household. For the first time ever, our four kids are attending four different schools. I was very amused at Ken having taken the day off from work and when all four kids were finally at school he let out a deep breath and uttered these words, "I don't know how you do this every day"! I laughed.
Wednesday night was the wrap-up of a really great Bible study at church. A lot of the ending was about living with passion for Christ and the teacher mentioned how she feels like a lot of Christians have lost their passion. She also talked about Jesus' last command to us to "Go"! She shared (and I am paraphrasing because I cannot remember her exact words, but I am just sharing with you what I took from her teaching) how we have been commanded to "Go" across the street, down the sidewalk of our neighborhoods, across the aisle in our office to the next cubicle. She even mentioned that we are commanded to "Go" to....Costa Rica!
We are "commanded" was the emphasis. It made me think of our black lab, Cassie. She's getting stubborn in her old age. Used to be when you "commanded" her to do something she did it. Now, she's 10, a little more feeble, a whole lot less energy and not as passionate about getting up and going outside to chase a hand-thrown tennis ball. She's a little hard of hearing or could it be "selective hearing"? It seems like in the last six months to get her to do what you want you have to scream at her. She's a little slow on the issue of obedience and kind of likes to take her time "evaluating" what we ask her to do before making her final decision.
I have recently stumbled across the writings of George Verwer, the World Missions Advocate. He writes, "In our Christian walk, we are often not so disciplined and careful. In our effort to stay free from guilt, or in our effort to stay "free and live by grace", we often over-emphasize God's sovereignty, emphasizing that no matter what happens, 'God is in control'. He goes on to write, "A Christian in a moment of anger kills someone. What does he tell the court or judge, 'God is in control'? No, he is forced to be realistic and he may in fact spend life in prison". He also writes about the state of mission field, "25% of the world's population still has not even heard or read the Gospels 2,000 years after Jesus gave the command. Who's fault is it? God's? No! It is a mistake to think that the next big move is God's. His big moves have already taken place, the Cross, the empty tomb and Pentecost".
Do I believe that us leaving for Costa Rica is all in God's timing? Absolutely! But, I also believe that the command that was given 2,000 years ago has not been fulfilled because of our lack of faith and Biblical commitment (obedience). We have been asked by Global Outreach to be in Costa Rica by January. If God has commanded you to support us, don't be like our dog, Cassie, and "evaluate" whether you want to obey. I know that if He asks you, then He will provide for you!
I Samuel 15:22 "Samuel replied, "Has the Lord as much pleasure in your burnt offerings and sacrifices as in your obedience? Obedience is far better than sacrifices. He is much more interested in your listening to him than in your offering the fat of rams to him".
Please, keep us in your prayers!
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