Friday, August 31, 2007

BEWARE: Long post ahead!!!!

Last weekend we traveled to Atlanta to attend a family wedding. Congratulations Phil & Celena Halladay! We got home safely, but a little bit later than we planned on Sunday evening and on Monday we embarked on CHAOS in our household. For the first time ever, our four kids are attending four different schools. I was very amused at Ken having taken the day off from work and when all four kids were finally at school he let out a deep breath and uttered these words, "I don't know how you do this every day"! I laughed.

Wednesday night was the wrap-up of a really great Bible study at church. A lot of the ending was about living with passion for Christ and the teacher mentioned how she feels like a lot of Christians have lost their passion. She also talked about Jesus' last command to us to "Go"! She shared (and I am paraphrasing because I cannot remember her exact words, but I am just sharing with you what I took from her teaching) how we have been commanded to "Go" across the street, down the sidewalk of our neighborhoods, across the aisle in our office to the next cubicle. She even mentioned that we are commanded to "Go" to....Costa Rica!

We are "commanded" was the emphasis. It made me think of our black lab, Cassie. She's getting stubborn in her old age. Used to be when you "commanded" her to do something she did it. Now, she's 10, a little more feeble, a whole lot less energy and not as passionate about getting up and going outside to chase a hand-thrown tennis ball. She's a little hard of hearing or could it be "selective hearing"? It seems like in the last six months to get her to do what you want you have to scream at her. She's a little slow on the issue of obedience and kind of likes to take her time "evaluating" what we ask her to do before making her final decision.

I have recently stumbled across the writings of George Verwer, the World Missions Advocate. He writes, "In our Christian walk, we are often not so disciplined and careful. In our effort to stay free from guilt, or in our effort to stay "free and live by grace", we often over-emphasize God's sovereignty, emphasizing that no matter what happens, 'God is in control'. He goes on to write, "A Christian in a moment of anger kills someone. What does he tell the court or judge, 'God is in control'? No, he is forced to be realistic and he may in fact spend life in prison". He also writes about the state of mission field, "25% of the world's population still has not even heard or read the Gospels 2,000 years after Jesus gave the command. Who's fault is it? God's? No! It is a mistake to think that the next big move is God's. His big moves have already taken place, the Cross, the empty tomb and Pentecost".

Do I believe that us leaving for Costa Rica is all in God's timing? Absolutely! But, I also believe that the command that was given 2,000 years ago has not been fulfilled because of our lack of faith and Biblical commitment (obedience). We have been asked by Global Outreach to be in Costa Rica by January. If God has commanded you to support us, don't be like our dog, Cassie, and "evaluate" whether you want to obey. I know that if He asks you, then He will provide for you!

I Samuel 15:22 "Samuel replied, "Has the Lord as much pleasure in your burnt offerings and sacrifices as in your obedience? Obedience is far better than sacrifices. He is much more interested in your listening to him than in your offering the fat of rams to him".

Please, keep us in your prayers!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Our Prayer!

"This season of waiting is always an essential qualification for successful service. God would have His children realize the utter inadequacy of all human means to accomplish His gigantic purposes, that thus the praise and glory might be afterwards ascribed exclusively to Him".
-Hugh D. Brown-

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Busy, busy!

Taking a breather for a few minutes and thought I would write an update. I just finished our newsletter, so you should be receiving those by snail mail or email in the next couple of days. We have another presentation this Saturday afternoon that we are preparing for. I need to write a letter to go out through the mission as well so they can get those sent off. We find ourselves in a constant balancing act; trying to prepare for the mission field, but not being ready financially to go, and allowing our four kids to live their lives here in the States, but not knowing when we might leave and working our full-time jobs. It can be difficult at times. Sometimes it is heart wrenching, especially for Heather whose band has been invited to the 2008 Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. She is on the color guard. Preparations for that are already beginning and you can imagine the excitement over being invited to participate in something that big. Only 5 high school bands will be performing and 300 tried to get a spot. We just take it all one day at a time. Last week was orientation for Danielle and she has now been attending her one and only high school class for a week (she will graduate in December). Today, she added in her college courses to her schedule and should finish up with Cosmetology School in July. She was a little "stressed" last night beginning the paperwork for her English IV project. It's been hard for me to embrace the fact that she is a Senior! Where does the time go? Heather just finished two full weeks of band/color guard camp. She didn't get her ability to walk backwards and to the side simultaneously from me I tell 'ya! Today was her freshman orientation and she continues with two band practices a week. Tomorrow, Kyle has a physical and then try-outs for middle school football. 4 kids, 4 different schools this year. I haven't quite figured out the carpool/bus schedule. My little mind just isn't there yet! God remains our strength and our peace even in our daily activities!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Isaiah 26:3 "He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord! Trust in the Lord God always, for in the Lord Jehovah is your everlasting strength".

Monday, August 06, 2007

An "ordinary" Sunday...NOT!

Yesterday morning was crazy in our house. Men's breakfast, invitation to meet a missionary at another church, financial presentation at our church...we were going in different directions and I felt frustrated. (I like my Sunday morning leading up to Sunday School and the worship service to be calm as I prepare and anticipate receiving something from the Lord). We had also received word on Friday that we were still $400 short in shipping the ambulance off to Costa Rica and that was weighing on my heart. We arrived at the other church early enough to get to meet the missionary, Jan, and talk for a few minutes before the service started. Things became "wild", not Jan, but GOD. We had so much in common, that we all knew, this was a Divinely-appointed meeting! Jan is a short-term missionary to Costa Rica working in an orphanage about a half hour from El Jardin, the camp. Her and her husband operate a retreat center/camp not to far from our town. Weird...we had never even heard that there was a retreat center in this area. The service began with worship music and their choir, and then Damascus Road, a singing group. I received through the worship music that preparation I had lacked before leaving my home. We were introduced to the congregation as missionaries before the offering and the Pastor told them that we needed to leave to attend our church. Before we left we were given cash by Jan and the church promised a check to match her gift. The total was $400. It reminded me of this verse, "My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue; but in deed and truth". I John 3:18

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Our calling to missions

Galatians 1:2, "I was not called to be a missionary by any group or agency. My call is from Jesus Christ himself, and from God the Father who raised him from the dead".

While we have been licensed to serve under Global Outreach Mission, God continues to remind us that our calling is directly from Him! These past few weeks He has kept us very busy with contacts and presentations. In fact, we have had three presentations to do this week alone! Last Monday, we received word from a friend that a local church was considering supporting us and we needed to send some budget information to them right away. When we offered to set up a time to come to the church and do a presentation we were told it wouldn't be necessary. "Wouldn't be necessary"? I kept thinking to myself, "Someone, please pinch me, it's not supposed to be this easy"! Yesterday, we received confirmation from that church that they had made a commitment to Global Outreach Mission on our behalf for monthly support! For six months now we have been sitting at the 33% mark of our pledged monthly support. Today, we moved up to 37%! God continues to move us forward in His timing and in His way!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Presentation Report

We have a small-group presentation to do tomorrow evening beginning at 7 p.m. So, if you wouldn't mind lifting us up today and tomorrow as we prepare and then during the presentation. Last night, Ken was supposed to be meeting with a Pastor at a local church that will be supporting us, but the Pastor had to cancel our meeting because he had two other meetings come up, one before his Wednesday night prayer service, and one immediately after. brother's a Pastor and it can be rough sometimes with scheduling, so we fully understand. This meeting will definitely be rescheduled though. This Sunday morning the leader of our sending team in our church will be doing an update presentation on our ministry and I know she would definitely love to be supported in prayer! We had a meeting last night after our church service with the Pastor of the church across the road. We have met with him before and will be scheduling a presentation in his church in the next coming weeks. They also invited us to their church on Sunday morning for their service which starts an hour before ours because another missionary from Costa Rica is coming in to talk with their congregation since they will be sending a small group to Costa Rica in March to work at an orphanage with her. This is a bit of a planning meeting for them and to show them pictures and explain what they will be doing when they go. Their Pastor is a neat guy and was really excited about the ambulance parked across the road at our church during our VBS. Well, as you can see, busy days in front of us! Thank you in advance for your prayer support!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Do you still make cards?

Someone just asked me the other day if I was still making homemade cards. Yes, I do. Since I have been teaching rubber stamping classes at Michael's in the White Oak Plaza for the past year, I fnd that I am usually creating under "pressure" for a display in the store. I thought I would share this one that I made today when I had a few spare minutes and just sat down for the "fun of it". This card is made by rubber stamping the boot (which is a Michael's rubber stamp) on card stock and then coloring it in with colored pencils and blending it with odorless mineral spirits. I doodled around the boot to make it look like barbed wire as I thought it might kind of fit in with the "cowboy" theme. I don't know who I will send this to, or shall I say, I wasn't making this one with anyone particular in mind. When I do have time to make a card here and there for fun I like to set them aside and send them to people in the church. I'd have to say that our Sunday School teacher is always elated to get one which is fun! Well, off to the church directory to find me a cowboy to send this too! I thought I'd just share with you what I did in my "therapy" session today! Hope you're having a blessed day!