Saturday, August 20, 2011

Children's Ministry at Hickory Grove

Last week was our first Wednesday night of sharing to the children of our home church over the next four weeks. Our evening began with me speaking in Spanish and Heather interpreting my Spanish into English for the kids to understand. It was heart-warming to have some of the kids so eagerly share how they could count to 10 in Spanish. In preparing for our first meeting, the Lord made it clear to me not to show slides or talk about Costa Rica at all, but rather to focus on talking about what a Missionary is and what Message they share with people. I also shared the shell of the Wordless Book presentation, adding in some other verses and thoughts as well. I shared about the elements of growth in our relationship with God and about telling others that we have a relationship with him! Three kids raised their hands at the end of the salvation prayer that they had accepted Jesus, though at least two of them I was pretty sure already had. I found out later that one of those kids raised their hand because they had accepted Jesus before, but learned that he was supposed to tell someone else, and previous to that night, never had. Praise the Lord!

We began learning the first verse and chorus of a Spanish worship song and when asked after we sang how many kids in the room could speak Spanish, they all had big smiles when I informed them that they all could (because they all sang)! While we had a craft prepared, we ran short of time with it being the first night, so we'll plan on beginning our Wordless Book bracelets next week. And of course, we had to have a Ken & Kyle cooked the kids some tortilla chips and made salsa rosada (a mayonnaise and ketchup dip) for the kids. ALL of the older kids enjoyed that and some of the younger kids too.

Below are some pictures; us being introduced, speaking to the kids, sharing a snack and answering some questions.

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