This is Kyle's best Costa Rican friend and our neighbor, Osvaldo, or as we call him, "Osvi". He can often be found in our home hanging out with Heather & Kyle, or at work in town at the local grocery store, but on this day, his day off, he asked if he could join with us in ministry. He is working with the kids in Children's Ministry.

This year, for the first time on a team, we had a dentist and dental hygienist, Dr. & Mrs. Hesser. In between patients, Mrs. Hesser was reviewing with one of the students, Amira, the "correct" flossing technique! Just another educational moment for PBA!

Dr. Hesser averaged about 37 patients a day in the dental chair; examining adults as well as children; making recommendations on problem teeth treatments, and pulling decayed teeth. He was unable to do actual teeth cleaning due to the expense of purchasing as well as transporting a generator for cleaning.

As always, we try to invite our Pastor and Youth Pastor to join us in ministry whenever we have a medical or outreach event. This time, Jeffrey Prieto, our Youth Pastor represented our church and partnered with the church where we held the clinic in evangelism.

On the second night the team was there we had a "man snack" for the guys that were on the team; but of course, there was enough for everyone! Chicken Wings that tasted like home, made by a U.S. Expat who owns a restaurant right in nearby Cartago!

Wherever we go the kids squeal when we bring out the parachute!

Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try, there is always a waiting line to see the doctor!

Before the clinics even started, we had a team who counted the most used supplies and placed them in small bags; vitamins, Tylenol, children's vitamins, prenatal vitamins, etc.

Along with the Maycroft Family who are three month missionary interns, came their family friend and babysitter, Miss Sarah Ax. Here's a picture of Sarah with some new friends that she made while doing children's ministry.

This is a picture of patient's waiting outside of Triage to get their vital signs taken before seeing the physicians.

On one of the days in the early morning headed out toward the clinics we got a rare, clear glimpse of the Turrialba volcano! Because the clouds usually cover this volcano early in the morning, we pulled the bus to the side of the road and all got out to snap some pictures....even me, since it had been weeks since we had seen its progress due to the start of rainy season. She still continues to smoke steadily! You too can follow her progress at where I often have to take a look at the live web cam located 600 meters on the side wall of the crater to see what's going on when the clouds obscure our view from the valley!

1 comment:
What a cool post I loved it!!!
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