Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A comedy of errors, as of late
We got back home later last night than we expected from Panama because we were not even halfway home to Costa Rica and our van broke down. Fortunately, our insurance covers towing and a taxi ride home! Our 90 days were up in Costa Rica and we had to go to Panama to have our VISA's stamped. For the second time, we had a difficult time getting back into Costa Rica, and thought we were going to be stuck at the border between the two countries. This time, we had to produce documentation (a flight schedule) that within the next 90 days we would be leaving the country and returning to the U.S. Fortunately, with our grandson due to be born in three weeks, we had just made flight arrangements last week and were able to go to an internet cafe and pull those confirmations up out of our email. Otherwise, the fine would have been $1,000 and we would not have gotten back home into Costa Rica. We have done everything by the book here, and as our Costa Rican lawyer has recommended, as far as leaving even before our time is up and we are still having to jump through hoops it seems. On Tuesday morning before we even left the hotel we got a phone call that our house back in Costa Rica had been broken into. When we got home, it was obvious that some things were moved around, but it doesn't appear that anything was stolen. The door had been left halfway open, maybe for someone to come back, but we got back home before they could. Tonight, we got a phone call from the mechanic that we need a new motor to be placed in the van. This mechanic is one that we trust and he does good work. The cost will be about $2,600. Please keep us in your prayers. I wish that I could say we weren't discouraged. I'm off to bed to have a good scream into my pillow....ahahahahahaha!
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Finally...some picture updates!
I don't know why I've had so much trouble lately uploading pictures, but finally, I got these to get through! These are ministry pictures from our week with Team PBA here in Costa Rica.
This is Kyle's best Costa Rican friend and our neighbor, Osvaldo, or as we call him, "Osvi". He can often be found in our home hanging out with Heather & Kyle, or at work in town at the local grocery store, but on this day, his day off, he asked if he could join with us in ministry. He is working with the kids in Children's Ministry.

This year, for the first time on a team, we had a dentist and dental hygienist, Dr. & Mrs. Hesser. In between patients, Mrs. Hesser was reviewing with one of the students, Amira, the "correct" flossing technique! Just another educational moment for PBA!

Dr. Hesser averaged about 37 patients a day in the dental chair; examining adults as well as children; making recommendations on problem teeth treatments, and pulling decayed teeth. He was unable to do actual teeth cleaning due to the expense of purchasing as well as transporting a generator for cleaning.

As always, we try to invite our Pastor and Youth Pastor to join us in ministry whenever we have a medical or outreach event. This time, Jeffrey Prieto, our Youth Pastor represented our church and partnered with the church where we held the clinic in evangelism.

On the second night the team was there we had a "man snack" for the guys that were on the team; but of course, there was enough for everyone! Chicken Wings that tasted like home, made by a U.S. Expat who owns a restaurant right in nearby Cartago!

Wherever we go the kids squeal when we bring out the parachute!

Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try, there is always a waiting line to see the doctor!

Before the clinics even started, we had a team who counted the most used supplies and placed them in small bags; vitamins, Tylenol, children's vitamins, prenatal vitamins, etc.

Along with the Maycroft Family who are three month missionary interns, came their family friend and babysitter, Miss Sarah Ax. Here's a picture of Sarah with some new friends that she made while doing children's ministry.

This is a picture of patient's waiting outside of Triage to get their vital signs taken before seeing the physicians.

On one of the days in the early morning headed out toward the clinics we got a rare, clear glimpse of the Turrialba volcano! Because the clouds usually cover this volcano early in the morning, we pulled the bus to the side of the road and all got out to snap some pictures....even me, since it had been weeks since we had seen its progress due to the start of rainy season. She still continues to smoke steadily! You too can follow her progress at where I often have to take a look at the live web cam located 600 meters on the side wall of the crater to see what's going on when the clouds obscure our view from the valley!
This is Kyle's best Costa Rican friend and our neighbor, Osvaldo, or as we call him, "Osvi". He can often be found in our home hanging out with Heather & Kyle, or at work in town at the local grocery store, but on this day, his day off, he asked if he could join with us in ministry. He is working with the kids in Children's Ministry.

This year, for the first time on a team, we had a dentist and dental hygienist, Dr. & Mrs. Hesser. In between patients, Mrs. Hesser was reviewing with one of the students, Amira, the "correct" flossing technique! Just another educational moment for PBA!

Dr. Hesser averaged about 37 patients a day in the dental chair; examining adults as well as children; making recommendations on problem teeth treatments, and pulling decayed teeth. He was unable to do actual teeth cleaning due to the expense of purchasing as well as transporting a generator for cleaning.

As always, we try to invite our Pastor and Youth Pastor to join us in ministry whenever we have a medical or outreach event. This time, Jeffrey Prieto, our Youth Pastor represented our church and partnered with the church where we held the clinic in evangelism.

On the second night the team was there we had a "man snack" for the guys that were on the team; but of course, there was enough for everyone! Chicken Wings that tasted like home, made by a U.S. Expat who owns a restaurant right in nearby Cartago!

Wherever we go the kids squeal when we bring out the parachute!

Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try, there is always a waiting line to see the doctor!

Before the clinics even started, we had a team who counted the most used supplies and placed them in small bags; vitamins, Tylenol, children's vitamins, prenatal vitamins, etc.

Along with the Maycroft Family who are three month missionary interns, came their family friend and babysitter, Miss Sarah Ax. Here's a picture of Sarah with some new friends that she made while doing children's ministry.

This is a picture of patient's waiting outside of Triage to get their vital signs taken before seeing the physicians.

On one of the days in the early morning headed out toward the clinics we got a rare, clear glimpse of the Turrialba volcano! Because the clouds usually cover this volcano early in the morning, we pulled the bus to the side of the road and all got out to snap some pictures....even me, since it had been weeks since we had seen its progress due to the start of rainy season. She still continues to smoke steadily! You too can follow her progress at where I often have to take a look at the live web cam located 600 meters on the side wall of the crater to see what's going on when the clouds obscure our view from the valley!

Saturday, June 05, 2010
Man Down!!
The team left on Tuesday morning, but because of mechanical problems with their plane, they got out of San Jose and had to spend Tuesday night in Atlanta. We have received various messages, that they did get back to Florida safely on Wednesday morning, so that is an answer to prayer! I've been dealing with an upper respiratory tract infection and am now on medication for that as prescribed by Dr. Ferrell which was a blessing. I'm feeling better, still coughing some, but on the mend which I am very thankful for. I realized yesterday that almost after every single medical clinic, I have gotten sick. I guess that the alternative would be not to hug on the sick people at the clinics, but that ain't happening! I need to remember to boost up my vitamin C before a medical team arrives.
Jeff Lewis and Pastor Jeff Gardner from Threshold Church in Charlotte, N.C. are in Costa Rica just for the weekend and asked to meet with Ken and I; so we just finished that meeting this morning. Kyle has just left with them now and is translating some other meetings for them this afternoon.
Yesterday, after a couple of days of rest from having the team here we took the Maycroft Family to the amusement park for a day of fun with our kids! They all seemed to enjoy the park and the kids had a great time riding rides together. The rain held off and we sent their family home in a taxi, and our family proceeded to the airport to pick up a three-week missionary intern to work alongside of us! His name is Fred Smith and I am sure that he would greatly appreciate your prayers while he is here ministering. Fred is considering full-time missionary service. You never know what God is going to do in a person's heart while they are here. We do the best we can to educate them about "missionary life" by showing them a window into ours.
May the Lord continue to bless our work together with the Maycroft Family and with Fred. May they clearly hear His voice and His direction in the upcoming decisions that they need to make!
I tried to post pictures on here the other day, but they just weren't uploading, so I am off to find the camera and try it again. Hopefully, there may be another post later of last week's team activities!
Jeff Lewis and Pastor Jeff Gardner from Threshold Church in Charlotte, N.C. are in Costa Rica just for the weekend and asked to meet with Ken and I; so we just finished that meeting this morning. Kyle has just left with them now and is translating some other meetings for them this afternoon.
Yesterday, after a couple of days of rest from having the team here we took the Maycroft Family to the amusement park for a day of fun with our kids! They all seemed to enjoy the park and the kids had a great time riding rides together. The rain held off and we sent their family home in a taxi, and our family proceeded to the airport to pick up a three-week missionary intern to work alongside of us! His name is Fred Smith and I am sure that he would greatly appreciate your prayers while he is here ministering. Fred is considering full-time missionary service. You never know what God is going to do in a person's heart while they are here. We do the best we can to educate them about "missionary life" by showing them a window into ours.
May the Lord continue to bless our work together with the Maycroft Family and with Fred. May they clearly hear His voice and His direction in the upcoming decisions that they need to make!
I tried to post pictures on here the other day, but they just weren't uploading, so I am off to find the camera and try it again. Hopefully, there may be another post later of last week's team activities!
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