Wednesday, October 01, 2008

There's no place like HOME!

After a long day of traveling due to bus and roadway delays, we sat at the bus station for 5-1/2 hours before our bus came, we finally arrived home. We enjoyed ourselves in San Juan Del Sur, but it sure is different than what we are used too. We got through the border on Saturday, only to find out from another couple on Monday who were staying in our same hotel, that someone had been murdered there at the border crossing on Sunday. When asked what to do with the body they were told to put it in the trash and it would be burned later. Thank you to anyone who prayed for us as we traveled. As you can see, your prayers are very important to our family and God allowed us more importantly than "delays" to travel with safety!

1 comment:

Patty Honeycutt said...

Girl do not even tell me that scary stuff if you want me to send Danielle down there! Tell me about the flowers and birds, and butterflies and all the wonderful things you and Jesus are accomplishing. You know I'm not that naive, and I do pray for your safety. Love to you all,