Well, we have had a "wild" last week here with the storms that have passed over Central America. Here is a picture of the road washed out about a mile from our home that leads to our town. There is another way out going the opposite direction, but the route is longer. With the wash out of the road came loss of water for the weekend. It was wonderful to take a shower on Sunday evening finally, but then last night, the new water pipe burst and we had no water today. All that we can do is laugh and enjoy it while we have it!
The Palm Beach Atlantic team saw a total of 303 patients while in Los Chilies. We did not receive a total on the final number of people who made first time commitments from the evangelistic team. Ken had the opportunity to do door-to-door evangelism with the team and was asked at the third house that he visited if he had anything he wanted to add to the gospel presentation. He felt like the Holy Spirit would have him to say something and as he says, "took a gigantic leap of faith" and did. Three people in a family received the Lord in that home. When he returned to work in children's ministry while the team was doing the medical clinic, he had a young girl ask him if he would pray with her to receive Jesus into her heart.
Before the team left they also did a clinic in the campground and saw 103 patients, 30 of which made first time commitments. I also had the opportunity to share with five people who accepted the Lord. I cried with each one (no big surprise there). I was overwhelmed. God doesn't need us, yet He allows us to be used for His purposes and it is very humbling! We are truly amazed!
Thank you to everyone who remembered my birthday! It was so exciting to receive birthday cards in the mail here in Costa Rica! Thank you to all of you who sent e-mails too!
We love and miss you!
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