Thursday, June 05, 2008

HUGE blessing!

This is our used, but gratefully new to us van that we use here in Costa Rica. We went a full month without a vehicle and I have to say, this is the only vehicle that I have been able to ride in here and not get car sick in. (It was a tad bit embarrassing to get to your destination and look for a place to barf.) It seats 11 people. One of the reasons we went so long was because we were spending our time shopping around trying to get the best deal. This van has low mileage and well, I didn't actually see this van before Ken bought it, but he knew I would like it! It's hunter of my favorite colors!

Thanks to all of you who helped us purchase this van by giving funds directly toward our outgoing expenses. We want you to know that we deeply appreciate your sacrificial giving on our behalf! We are absolutely blessed beyond what we deserve! Thank you so much!!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I've been thinking about you all during VBS this week -- miss seeing you all there but I know that God is doing mighty things through you in Costa Rica.


Elizabeth Liles said...

Love you guys so much! It's great to have this blog and be able to come here and get my "Dundon fix" when I just miss you all so much!!

We've started some really cool things here at the Grove... a new outreach for the Middle school class... it's called Beyond these Walls! The first SUnday of each month, we go out during the sunday school hour... into the community and serve and outreach! We've got Kyle a shirt that we'll be sending to him soon!!! Love you all so much!!

Elizabeth Liles

Keri Lee Sereika said...

This is wonderful news Sherri! I am so happy for you guys! I keep forgetting that your blog is up and you are updating it! I got your post card!!! Thank you!!!