Monday, April 23, 2007

Worry looks around. Sorry looks back. Faith looks up!

Friday, April 20, 2007


We've got some presentations coming up and could really use everyone's prayers as we prepare! The first is 4/28. We have four coming up in May and then one in June (I'll post those dates when they get a little closer). That's six in total and we are most T*H*A*N*K*F*U*L!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Revive Me, Oh Lord!

"Someone had once asked the British evangelist Gipsy Smith how to start a revival. "He replied, If you want to start a revival, go home and get a piece of chalk. Go inside your closet and draw a circle on the floor. Kneel down in the middle of the circle and ask God to start a revival inside the chalk mark".

Monday, April 16, 2007

April Ministry Newsletter

We just completed the April Newsletter, so those of you who receive it my snail mail should be receving it this week. If you are not subscribed to our newsletter updates and would like to be, subscribe in the box to the right of these posts and we will be sure and it get to you!

The newsletter has our updated prayer requests, usually some personal thoughts on how God is working in our lives and news from the field of Costa Rica. It is always exciting to write about how God is at work down at the camp since Nathan & Amber have started ministering there. We really want to be down there working alongside them. Until then, we wait and we trust!

May God's blessings surround you!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Services and it's tie-in to ministry

Easter Sunday service was, I don't know how to even describe it. It was just awesome! The music was top-notch! The message was exciting! Ironically, if anyone sat by me they probably thought, what in the world?!? But, just the word "death" or "funeral" gets me a little teary-eyed these days. However, when you add the word "Hope" in there I get really emotional and I almost had to leave the service yesterday. Phew...people next to me probably thought the flood was coming Again! A lot of thoughts crossed my mind during the service, like, How many will perish because they never heard? How do people in these times make it through their day and not know there is a Hope for this day, for tomorrow and for their future? It boggles my mind, really. It saddens me and wrenches at my heart. But at the same time it makes me want to shout in celebration! Our service ended in a round of applause to God, the Father who did send His Son, who rose again, so that we may have Hope of His coming again! I hope you were blessed too in the reminder that one day He will return!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Ministry Update - Prayer Requests

"Issues"! I apologize for not posting sooner this week, but I suppose that Blogger has been having some issues since I haven't been able to get into our account.

Ministry Update: Sadly, we did not pick up any new supporters in February or March. Our March small-group presentation had to be postponed until April 28th. We still have three presentations to do up North, but are thinking about doing that when we have to go up for Global's Missions Conference in June. With all the traveling that we recently did for Renee's illness/funeral we find ourselves somewhat depleted physically to feel like we can turn around and go right up there again at this time. Time to write a new support letter to go out through Global, but I have to be honest, I don't quite know what else to say in these letters. So...please keep us in your prayers as we continue to wait and seek for answers and direction. God bless!