In just about three and a half hours the camp will be opened up to the surrounding communities of Orosi, Palomo, La Alegria and Cachi for the free showing of the movie, "Courageous". After watching this movie ourselves at home on furlough in the States, I felt an urgency and a burden to show this as an Outreach at the camp. A lot of the issues in the movie are issues that we see lived out here. I mentioned it to Ken and he agreed! Ken in turn mentioned it to Len & Carol Lane from the GOM, Canadian office! We want to say a special thanks to the Lane's for making this Outreach possible for us by supplying the movie for the camp's use. We have spent the last week walking, riding, delivering other flyers and speaking to people about this movie. Church Youth Groups are coming to the movie as well. And another special thanks to Scipio Community Church who provided the industrial popcorn popper that we will again be using for Outreach tonight! Who knew that a popcorn popper would get so much use? What a blessing!
Please pray that God would use this movie in a mighty way!
No joke, "manana" can mean tomorrow, or the next day, or a week or so later, but four weeks after the team left...really? Ken had ordered special board to place in the soffits of the new cabin before the team arrived so that they could close in the structure to the roof. Well, that never arrived in the entire two weeks the team was here even with Ken making various phone calls, nearly begging, and then almost demanding our delivery! We went back to the place where we ordered it to buy what they had in-stock of a different type. They looked at us confused and said, "but what about the stuff you ordered back in January, you don't want that anymore"? So, we bought what they had which was enough to get the job done before any bats or critters could make a new home in the new cabin!
After spending the week after the team left sanding sheet rock mud, painting, cleaning and hiring someone to do the tiling, the first group got to use the new cabin. The Missionary group from Central America with Campus Crusade for Christ were thrilled to be the first occupants. Oddly, as we've been working at the camp over the last four weeks, some neighborhood people have stopped in to ask us, "who is the V.I.P. cabin for", and that makes us chuckle. Well, we found out from the first occupants that we had sprung a leak behind the bathroom tiling in the wall when they showed us the water all over the bathroom floors. So, Ken worked on that a couple of days to get that repaired.
The camp has been booked up every weekend for the month of February with rental groups which is normal since it is dry season. One Saturday morning our phone rang and the leader of the group confirmed that they had arrived outside the camp gate. This was the site as you rounded the corner from our house to the camp! Since we've been on furlough back in the States, we've had to have someone else handling our rental dates for us. He wasn't "quite sure" how big the group for this weekend was going to be. Turns out it was 100 people overnight! God has been so faithful over the last four years to keep everyone on Jardin Sagrado's property safe!
Another Saturday morning as I was doing some house chores in the morning, I happened to step outside and snap this picture of our camp gardener and neighbor, Coqui, witnessing to some of the neighborhood Youth. I stopped and prayed for Coqui! You can't see his Bible in his hand, but I watched as he showed them and had them read verse after verse. He usually spends a good portion of his days off, Saturday and Sunday, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in the surrounding area.
About a week and a half ago a huge truck pulled in front of our house. Our neighbor, Norberto, is out of work and has been picking coffee. I snapped this picture knowing that this would be the last of the harvest. I was right because now as I am writing this, the coffee plants already have next harvest's flower blooms on them. I just asked if I could hop up on the truck as they were weighing what Norberto had picked in beans to take this picture. The colors of the coffee beans, the greens (not ripe) and different shades of reds (the darkest being ripe) will always fascinate me. I had to get one more picture!
Off to finish getting the camp ready for "Courageous"!
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