Wednesday, June 22, 2011

So what is "furlough"?

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines furlough as a "(noun), a leave of absence from duty granted especially to a soldier; a document authorizing such a leave of absence". Let me just say, that this might be the exact reason some see missionary furloughs as "a personal vacation escaping one's duties and responsibilities". Someone recently told us, "but I don't get an extended leave from my work"! And you, my friend, have not chosen to minister in two separate, yet very different cultures, and whether I am in Costa Rica or even now home during this furlough, I am actually doing double-duty because of those two cultures. 'Nuff said! Most missionary agencies today don't even use the word "furlough" because of it's misconceptions. Rather, they have resorted to "home assignment or service" and quite honestly, it has helped people to better understand what it is we do when we have time away from our cross-cultural ministry and are back in our first culture!

So, just so we are all on the same page, our family does have some objectives for this time of "home assignment".

In Acts 14:27, 28 "On arriving there, they gathered the church together and reported all that God had done through them and how he opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. And they stayed there a long time with the disciples".

This Biblical principle was put into motion by the first missionary journey! I like to call it the "Three R's" method...dorky, I know! They a) Reported back, b) Renewed relationships, c) Sought out revival.

Our family is supported sacrificially and generously by a group of churches, and individuals, and we feel obligated to keep our donors informed of what is going on in our ministry. We do send out quarterly letters with photo's and maintain this blog (somewhat, cough, okay, I'm outright choking here, so maybe we are behind more often than not on the posting?), but I think everyone would admit that there's something about that personal contact that a missionary has with their supporters, churches and individuals, that allows you to know more about who we are and what we are doing. I know that we, personally, struggle to keep long-distance relationships going while on the field (my older sister is reading this and saying, "You think"?). Scripturally, we've been called in Mark 10:29-30 to forsake even our family and friends for His cause (some it's easier than others...just kidding, hahahaha!). We are very excited to be on furlough because it gives us a concentrated amount of time to reconnect (whether they want to or not) with our loved ones, our home church and dear friends! We have already taken the opportunity to focus upon personal spiritual revival. Rest assured, WE KNOW WE NEED IT! We are worn out by the spiritual battles that come out of living cross-culturally. We are exhausted by the overwhelming needs that are brought to us on a near daily basis while living in Costa Rica. Sitting in our home church, under preaching in our first language, delving into the Word of God and praying, uninterrupted, has allowed the Lord to show us clearly the spiritual needs that we have in our own lives.

So, pray for us. Pray for us as we prepare to report back to supporters, as we renew relationships with family and friends, and as we continue to seek after Him, to be revived in Spirit and in Truth!

1 comment:

The Bucks said...

Amen. Great update! We are praying for you and your family as you minister in America. We miss you and wish we could have spent more time together. Bob and the girls said to be sure to send their greetings.