Saturday, November 10, 2007

Garage Sale! Preparing to Go.

Hmph...I'm tired. Today was our big garage sale. What didn't get sold we hauled off to Good Will and the dump. We brought nothing back into the house. It was a bittersweet day. Things were sold that we have had since we were married 22 years ago, though seeing someone else buy things and knowing they will probably be put to good use makes it easier. A reminder of how much we have here in the States and how much we "hold" on too sometimes without even meaning too. We still have stuff to go through, mainly clothes, and the dishes we kept to be able to eat and cook with until we can go, but rooms are begining to echo around here. We won't have another garage sale. What is left will be donated to With Love, From Jesus which holds a special place in our hearts. Well, a few more steps closer to being ready to paint and put the house on the market.

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