Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Busy Day
We still do not have internet at the camp and the team has walked over to Orosi with Dr. Ferrell to use the internet cafe and make contact with loved ones at home! Today, was a fun day of unpacking medications and supplies from suitcases and repacking by category the medications that we will use for the first two days of clinic. The team also counted vitamins, Tylenol, etc. thirty day supplies in preparation for the clinic knowing that these medications are prescribed most often for simple pain relief. Dr. Hesser spent the afternoon seeing and treating the Costa Rican "staff" who work here with us at the camp; Coqui the camp gardener had a tooth pulled, as well as his sister-in-law, Gloria, the camp baker, and Isa's niece also had a tooth pulled that was causing her tremendous pain. Dr. Hesser was also able to do examinations on them letting them know which teeth might need attention in the future. He also took the time to see each one of our children informing us that Jordan had a cavity which will need attention soon; Kyle needs braces; and Heather has wisdom teeth coming in. He also turned his attention to the Maycroft Family, short-term missionaries serving here alongside us at the camp for two more months. What a blessing to all of us to get some dental attention! The team said that they slept well and tonight will be an early dinner at 5 p.m. followed by anniversary cake that I had Gloria make for Ken and I. Today, we are celebrating our wedding anniversary...25 years! God is faithful and while He loves us unconditionally and with an unfailing love, through Him, we have been able to love each other, not perfectly, but in a way that is difficult for man without Him! We Praise the Lord for this milestone in our lives! Then we have a special "man snack" planned for the entire team tonight; last night the ice cream social was with the ladies in mind, and I know they think they've figured it all out, thinking that it is Pollo Crispy, but they are wrong! Seems like everyone is feeling rested and ready for tomorrow to begin the clinic! So many new faces on this team this year, but already, I can say they are a very special group of young people and they are once again, stealing our hearts! So blessed to have them back!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Team PBA is in the house...umm...
I mean they are in the camp! They arrived safely today with ALL their luggage and ALL of their medications made it through Customs - Praise the Lord! Dr. Hesser and his wife also came in on time and were able to hook up with the team. Dr. Hesser is a dentist! We are excited about them working with us for the first time and we know that this will be a real blessing to the people of Costa Rica to receive "free" dental care! We have internet in our home, but the internet is still not working at the camp. Tomorrow, is our preparation day with sorting and preparing the medications for the first clinics scheduled for Wednesday, and Thursday. We hope that we can finish this task before dinner and if the internet is not restored at that time, we will walk the team over to Orosi to the internet cafe to make contact with their families. Tonight after a light supper, we had an ice cream social and while it is early here, it is two hours later in the States, and the team as already retired for the evening after their day of traveling. Please continue to keep the entire team, interpreters and other support staff in your prayers as we minister through the medical clinic, dental clinic, evangelism, music, children's minister, and ask the Lord to allow us to be ministers of His hands and feet!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Wow...this weekend has been crazy with the rain. So many of the Costa Ricans keep telling us, "this is like October" which is the height of the rainy season! It has been raining here torrentially over the weekend. The first year that we were here I remember that the rains "built up" from May until October. It just seems like we are wide open already! We have had "in" and "out" internet service all weekend in our home (more "out" than "in") which has been irritating with Ken's father still in the hospital. Last week as you probably know from the news, we had an earthquake in Costa Rica which is to blame for a lot of the telecommunication problems that the country as a whole is experiencing. Today, we needed to do some last minute running around to pick up just a few things for the team and noticed a large water pipe that was broken on our way past the camp. I called the kids on the cell phone and told them to stock up on water from the tap, filling the washing machine and plastic buckets, so we could flush toilets; thinking that they will be turning off the water tonight or very early tomorrow morning to make the repairs. Well, I better run. I have to get up early in the morning to post the schedule at the camp, clean the bathrooms from the church being at the camp this afternoon and make sure everything's in place for Team PBA to arrive! Please keep us (the Team and our family) all in your prayers as we minister to bodies that seek healing both physically and spiritually.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Dad again and now Ken
What was supposed to be a work-in doctor's appointment, ended up being a five hour stay in the hospital emergency room as well today! Ken has flared again with his rheumatoid arthritis and he has been walking with the use of crutches for the past week. With Team PBA arriving on Monday, I suggested he call the doctor and have his knee and ankle looked at since it didn't appear that the new drug cocktail was really working too well, and working more on our bank account than his body! The doctor was gracious to fit him in today and drained six tubes of liquid off his knee, and injected it with an anti-inflammatory medication. We then proceeded to the ER for IV fluid to help with the swelling in his ankle.
Meanwhile, back in the States in N.C. since we have left the area, Ken's brother and two sisters have driven from Atlanta and New York State to check on his father who is again readmitted into the hospital this time for a very debilitating state of mental confusion and aggressive behavior. His MRI came back normal, but some other exams and blood work shows that his multiple myeloma is spreading. The physicians have discontinued any medications that may have caused this state of confusion, and it seems at this time that there is no real clear answer for his behavior.
I've wanted to post some pictures that I haven't been able to get up due to preparations for the team, that have been taken over the past two weeks. Maybe tomorrow. Today, was supposed to be grocery shopping day for the team, but we ran out of time with the morning spent in the hospital.
We have a group coming in to rent the camp tomorrow evening into Saturday evening, so tomorrow as early as possible we plan on getting out to do the grocery shopping and then return to the camp to finish preparing for the rental group. We've got one more cabin to clean after having the exterminator here on Monday, not because the camp was infested, its something we do routinely every six months! Maybe over the weekend I can get those pictures up! Please continue to pray for Ken's Dad and the family in any decisions they may need to make for him in N.C., and for Ken's recovery into remission from this round of rheumatoid arthritis!
Meanwhile, back in the States in N.C. since we have left the area, Ken's brother and two sisters have driven from Atlanta and New York State to check on his father who is again readmitted into the hospital this time for a very debilitating state of mental confusion and aggressive behavior. His MRI came back normal, but some other exams and blood work shows that his multiple myeloma is spreading. The physicians have discontinued any medications that may have caused this state of confusion, and it seems at this time that there is no real clear answer for his behavior.
I've wanted to post some pictures that I haven't been able to get up due to preparations for the team, that have been taken over the past two weeks. Maybe tomorrow. Today, was supposed to be grocery shopping day for the team, but we ran out of time with the morning spent in the hospital.
We have a group coming in to rent the camp tomorrow evening into Saturday evening, so tomorrow as early as possible we plan on getting out to do the grocery shopping and then return to the camp to finish preparing for the rental group. We've got one more cabin to clean after having the exterminator here on Monday, not because the camp was infested, its something we do routinely every six months! Maybe over the weekend I can get those pictures up! Please continue to pray for Ken's Dad and the family in any decisions they may need to make for him in N.C., and for Ken's recovery into remission from this round of rheumatoid arthritis!
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Re: Dad
Carolyn, my mother-in-law called this morning to talk for a few minutes and we appreciate that. When loved ones are sick it is hard to be so far away! She said that my father-in-law, Richard, has been diagnosed with pneumonia. This was confirmed by x-rays as well as a scan. This is good news! He is recovering, still in the hospital. He is taking a bit of time to recover because of all the medicines he is on for pain management from neuropathy which are making the antibiotics a little weaker. But, overall he seems to be on the mend. Thank you to all those who prayed!
It's a busy day here finishing up "preparations" and working around the campground. I will try and post some pictures tonight.
The question was asked by a commentor whether the Maycroft Family would work here with us as missionaries if all things went well with their young boys on this trial run. I believe if they continued to feel called to be full-time missionaries, that they would sign on with Global Outreach Mission. At this time, I do not think that a country or a specific ministry has been discussed with them, as they are really seeking the Lord for direction during this internship period. I know that they will covet your prayers during this period of service! It is an extremely important time in their lives!
On another note, last year we had a member of last year's Global Outreach Mission January team stay an extra week rather unexpectedly and last minute to work more closely with us. This was Amy Beth Givens. Amy did return to the States after her three weeks here and felt called to full-time missionary service and in November she was appointed to Costa Rica as our newest team member. As many of you do know, she is currently in the fundraising process through the mission. God is moving in a lot of different ways; ways that one could never expect; but, we serve that kind of God! Her house sold quickly, but recently she was unexpectedly laid off from her job! Please pray for Amy that funds would come together for her to move her to the field. We certainly can use her help with the loss of our previous ministry partners, Katherine & David Huitz, who were called to serve in Guatamela and left Costa Rica on April 30th. In other words, the Dundon Family is here alone right now, but not really, because God continues to help us through this transition period! Amy is a licensed LPN and will be taking on the role of Medical Coordinator for our medical teams! I know Amy would appreciate your prayers as she works full-time to raise support and prepares to move here! She has 100% raised of her outgoing expenses, and is currently at a little over 50% of her monthly support...To God be the Glory!
Please pray for this vital ministry of the campground which serves as a "base" so to speak for those considering full-time missionary service. It is a place where interns can work on the field, be exposed to missionary life and experience this country's culture. It is an absolute joy, and a privilege, whenever we get to share our missionary lives with those "considering" full-time service! Global Outreach Mission has always allowed us the "option" of whether we want to host people here. We have been blessed in so many ways through this opportunity. Our prayer is that we too, have been a blessing! I personally enjoy having the opportunity to have company and use my gifts of cooking and hospitality.
Okay, I guess I need to get back to work!
It's a busy day here finishing up "preparations" and working around the campground. I will try and post some pictures tonight.
The question was asked by a commentor whether the Maycroft Family would work here with us as missionaries if all things went well with their young boys on this trial run. I believe if they continued to feel called to be full-time missionaries, that they would sign on with Global Outreach Mission. At this time, I do not think that a country or a specific ministry has been discussed with them, as they are really seeking the Lord for direction during this internship period. I know that they will covet your prayers during this period of service! It is an extremely important time in their lives!
On another note, last year we had a member of last year's Global Outreach Mission January team stay an extra week rather unexpectedly and last minute to work more closely with us. This was Amy Beth Givens. Amy did return to the States after her three weeks here and felt called to full-time missionary service and in November she was appointed to Costa Rica as our newest team member. As many of you do know, she is currently in the fundraising process through the mission. God is moving in a lot of different ways; ways that one could never expect; but, we serve that kind of God! Her house sold quickly, but recently she was unexpectedly laid off from her job! Please pray for Amy that funds would come together for her to move her to the field. We certainly can use her help with the loss of our previous ministry partners, Katherine & David Huitz, who were called to serve in Guatamela and left Costa Rica on April 30th. In other words, the Dundon Family is here alone right now, but not really, because God continues to help us through this transition period! Amy is a licensed LPN and will be taking on the role of Medical Coordinator for our medical teams! I know Amy would appreciate your prayers as she works full-time to raise support and prepares to move here! She has 100% raised of her outgoing expenses, and is currently at a little over 50% of her monthly support...To God be the Glory!
Please pray for this vital ministry of the campground which serves as a "base" so to speak for those considering full-time missionary service. It is a place where interns can work on the field, be exposed to missionary life and experience this country's culture. It is an absolute joy, and a privilege, whenever we get to share our missionary lives with those "considering" full-time service! Global Outreach Mission has always allowed us the "option" of whether we want to host people here. We have been blessed in so many ways through this opportunity. Our prayer is that we too, have been a blessing! I personally enjoy having the opportunity to have company and use my gifts of cooking and hospitality.
Okay, I guess I need to get back to work!
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Prayer Requests
We've been busy "preparing". Seems like we are just in that stage. We've been moving bunkbeds at the camp, stoves, refrigerators all in preparation. This weekend we welcome back the homeless shelter for a weekend long retreat and renewal at the camp. They confirmed yesterday that they expect to bring 70 people! That takes preparation on our part! On Monday, the Maycroft Family along with Sarah Ax arrive at the camp for a three-month long missionary internship. Thus, the moving and setting up of a stove and refrigerator! On May 24th Team PBA returns to the camp for a week of medical clinics. We've been working on this team's logistics for two months; talking to Pastor's, doctors, a dentist, a tourism company. We are very excited about their return! So, how might you pray for us?
1. Pray for this weekend, that the people coming from the homeless shelter would sense love and caring at the camp. That they would feel Jesus drawing near to them. Pray as they make commitments to change their lives from drug and alcohol abuse.
2. Pray for the Maycroft Family and Sarah Ax as they travel to Costa Rica, that they would be safe. Pray for all their luggage to arrive with them! Pray specifically for the Maycroft's who are considering full-time missionary service depending on how well their three young boys do over these next three months here in Costa Rica. Pray for a binding together of all of us here as team and a family while we work and play together!
3. Pray for Team PBA (Palm Beach Atlantic University) as the students are now taking final exams before their mission trip. Pray for their packing and safe travel to Costa Rica. Pray as they minister in medical clinics to the people of Costa Rica. Pray for a binding of their spirits as a team. Pray as they put into practice their education as pharmacy students on the mission field.
4. Please pray as I am currently working on a Women's Ministry project scheduled for June 19 at the camp. This will be the first time we have done something like this just for Women. Pray for the details to come together!
5. Pray that heart's will be open to hear the Word of God as we minister with the above people and groups and that souls might be saved.
Not because of Us, but because of what He has done!
1. Pray for this weekend, that the people coming from the homeless shelter would sense love and caring at the camp. That they would feel Jesus drawing near to them. Pray as they make commitments to change their lives from drug and alcohol abuse.
2. Pray for the Maycroft Family and Sarah Ax as they travel to Costa Rica, that they would be safe. Pray for all their luggage to arrive with them! Pray specifically for the Maycroft's who are considering full-time missionary service depending on how well their three young boys do over these next three months here in Costa Rica. Pray for a binding together of all of us here as team and a family while we work and play together!
3. Pray for Team PBA (Palm Beach Atlantic University) as the students are now taking final exams before their mission trip. Pray for their packing and safe travel to Costa Rica. Pray as they minister in medical clinics to the people of Costa Rica. Pray for a binding of their spirits as a team. Pray as they put into practice their education as pharmacy students on the mission field.
4. Please pray as I am currently working on a Women's Ministry project scheduled for June 19 at the camp. This will be the first time we have done something like this just for Women. Pray for the details to come together!
5. Pray that heart's will be open to hear the Word of God as we minister with the above people and groups and that souls might be saved.
Not because of Us, but because of what He has done!
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Much needed prayer!
Tonight we found out that Ken's Dad, Richard, is in the hospital back in the States. He has been home from being in Costa Rica here with us just over a week now. What we know is that they have found a large mass on one of his lungs. (About six months ago he began treatment for bone marrow cancer). At this time, we do not know what the lung mass is. What we do know is that my father-in-law is in the Lord's hands, the Great Physician. We also know from the experience last year of my mother's illness, that the Lord truly does not give you more than you can handle and He is Faithful! Please join us in prayer for Dad!
R.I.P. - "Kooky"
We've been looking for Kooky for the past week and a half. A couple of times a week, she could be found here in the picture, on our front porch, and we would always give her a little something to eat. Whenever there was a group over at the camp, you could always count on her to find her way to camp, and indulge our guests with her "charm" which would then result in her receiving hand-outs of leftovers! This dog has even had photo albums on-line with her name used as the password by groups! One of Kooky's "addictions" was always chasing cars. She had been hit one time, but with every ounce of spunk that embodied her, she bounced back to good health in a relatively short amount of time, well, and of course, a little doctoring from our family :) Whenever we walked with her down the road from our house to the camp, she would know not to chase a car when she was with us; I guess because she would get scolded! With our family dog, Cassie, left back in the States, we quickly became attached to Miss Kooky, though she was never fully our dog, as her owner lives just down the road, but was willing to share! (Cassie has since passed on)
We recently found out from the owner, that Kooky was chasing a car and was hit and killed.
It is funny how animals make you feel like you have a sense of "home" when you are away from your home. We miss our porch friend and our campground companion! Thanks for being our buddy, "Kook-Kook-A-Choo"! You are missed!
We recently found out from the owner, that Kooky was chasing a car and was hit and killed.
It is funny how animals make you feel like you have a sense of "home" when you are away from your home. We miss our porch friend and our campground companion! Thanks for being our buddy, "Kook-Kook-A-Choo"! You are missed!

Campground Ministry,
Living in Costa Rica
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